Taekwondo FAQ'S ...
Here are some facts about Taekwondo that you may not know.
Taekwondo is a Korean martial art and the national sport of South Korea.
- Taekwondo is also used by the South Korean military as part of its training.
- Taekwondo training generally includes a system of blocks, kicks, punches, and open-handed strikes and may also include
various take-downs or sweeps, throws, and joint locks.
- Taekwondo ranks are typically separated into “junior” and “senior,” or “student” and
“instructor,” sections.
- Taekwondo Kicks is the name of the site for its joint connotations of kicking within the art and the fact that we really
enjoy Taekwondo enough to say that we get plenty of our kicks from it.
- Taekwondo is a Korean martial art. It is an effective weaponless art of self-defense but it is also a competitive sport
and method of maintaining all round fitness.
- Taekwondo training also includes a comprehensive system of blocks, punches, open-handed strikes, various take-downs or
sweeps, throws, and some joint locks like Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.
- Taekwondo is very much a reflection of Korea’s tumultuous yet dynamic history and culture. Taekwondo is one of two
Asian martial arts ( judo being the other) in the Olympic Games .
- Taekwondo is famed for its employment of kicking techniques, which distinguishes it from martial arts such as karate or
certain southern styles of Kung Fu .
- Taekwondo as a sport and exercise is popular with people of both sexes and of many ages.
- Taekwondo is also seen in Chuck Norris , Jean-Claude Van Damme and Tony Jaa movies, as well as many Hong Kong action films.
- Taekwondo is a Korean martial art practiced all over the world. Its popularity stems from many reasons.
- Taekwondo forms disciplines your body to control your breathing by exhaling on the execution of methods and inhaling in
between. Taekwondo has a sport component to it, in reality, most martial arts have a sport component.
- Taekwondo usually means that the way of the foot nevertheless it now suggests the ability of kicking and striking.
- Taekwondo (Tae Kwon Do) is a traditional Korean martial art that’s been progressively increasing in popularity through
the very last sixty decades.
- Taekwondo is more than just kicks and punches – it relies on concentration, combat philosophy, self-defense, and
physical fitness.
- On April 9, 1976, the International Military Sports Council entered Taekwondo as an event of the Olympic games.
- Taekwondo quickly became a universal art that was adopted by all the military forces, schools at all levels and even private
organizations and foreign embassies.
- Taekwondo is also an Olympic sport which has full medal status.
- Taekwondo is a system of symmetrical body exercises or techniques designed for self defense and counterattack in unarmed
combat, making use of the hands and feet as weapons and defenses.
- Taekwondo training consists of hardening the body through practice of the various attack and defense forms.
- Taekwondo (TKD) is a Korean martial art form that was originally taught for warfare, self-defense and physical fitness.
Taekwondo governing body in U.S.: USA Taekwondo (formerly U.S. Taekwondo Union)
- Taekwondo competition injuries have been studied using a case studies approach (e.g., Siana et al., 1986; Wirtz et al.,
1988) and a prospective design (e.g., Kazemi and Pieter, 2004; Pieter et al., 1995; Zemper and Pieter, 1989).
- Taekwondo is Korea’s National sport; therefore, Koreans have a huge pool of players that can be pushed as hard as
- Taekwondo clubs, and indeed other martial arts associations, will often arrange demonstrations to attract new potential
students. Taekwondo has been a world class sport for women for many years, generally long before other martial arts.
- Taekwondo, which originated in Korea more than 1000 years ago, is more sport than self-defense oriented [ 1 ]. In 2000,
Taekwondo became recognized as an official sport at the Sydney Olympics.
- Taekwondo competitions are regularly organized at the regional, national and international level according to the athlete’s
age and skill level (i.e., belt color).
- Taekwondo is one of the most modern of the many Asian self-defense in those days.
- In taekwondo, Korean language commands are often used. Korean numerals may be used as prompts or commands.
- In Taekwondo training, a good Strength and Conditioning program is a vital component to your success, both short and long
- The Taekwondo Belt System There are six colors of belts: white, yellow, green, blue, red, and black.
- The Taekwondo community was no exception and many leaders were separated from their Kwans and scattered north and south.
Both Taekwondo and Kung-Fu have jumping and spinning kicks, but again, Taekwondo has more of an emphasis on it.