Dojang Rules
Before coming to school
- Keep your uniform and equipment neat and clean.
- Keep fingernails and toenails trimmed short.
- If you have long hair, tie it back.
- Make sure you have your uniform, belt, and any equipment you need (sparring gear ).
Arriving at school
- Be on time for class.
- Sign the attendance sheet in the waiting room.
- Remove all jewelry, including watches, rings, neck chains, and earrings.
- Remove shoes before entering the dojang.
- Place shoes on shelves or in the changing room; do not leave them where they may cause someone to trip.
- If you arrive early, stretch or practice in the second studio. Do not disturb the class that is already in progress.
- If you arrive late, enter the dojang and kneel on one knee near the entrance until the instructor invites you to join
the class.
- Bow to the master and the flags upon entering and leaving the dojang.
In the dojang
- Address the masters, instructors, and adults as "sir" or "ma'am".
- Always reply and keup (yell) loudly. This shows confidence.
- Keep safety in mind at all times. No horseplay.
- Maintain your focus when training. Ignore what others are doing.
- Refrain from idle conversation while practicing.
- Do not spar without the instructor's approval and supervision.
- Avoid signals of disrespect, such as standing with your hands on your hips or arms crossed in front of your chest.
- Do not chew gum or eat.
Responsible conduct
- Videotaping or photographing in dressing rooms or restrooms is prohibited.
- Use Tae Kwon Do only for self-defense!
- Never use drugs, alcohol, tobacco, foul language, or disruptive behavior.
- Exhibit good behavior at all times.
- Work hard in school and maintain good grades.
- Keep a positive attitude.
- Show respect to the masters, instructors, and other black belts.
- Remember that the master decides when students are ready for their next exam.
Tae Kwon Do etiquette provides everyone with a fun experience and a safe place to practice. |